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Intentional Gift Giving - Ideas for Kids this Holiday Season!

Intentional Gift Giving - Ideas for Kids this Holiday Season!

As the holiday season rolls around, I've been rethinking the way I approach gift-giving, especially when it comes to my kids. Instead of rushing through crowded stores or scrolling endlessly online, I've decided to take a more intentional and personal approach to selecting gifts for them this year.

I hope to spark new interests, perhaps introducing them to a new hobby or encouraging their creativity in unique ways.

Choosing intentional gifts doesn't mean shying away from material things but rather selecting items that inspire growth, create experiences, and bring joy beyond the moment of unwrapping. It's about fostering connections and interests that will last a lifetime.

I hope this list inspires you to approach gift-giving with intentionality this holiday season. Let's create meaningful moments and cherished memories for our kids!

I've compiled a list of thoughtful and purposeful gift ideas that not only are something fun but also create lasting memories and learning experiences. I hope this list inspires you to approach gift-giving intentionally this holiday season and find some joy in shopping. Check out the whole amazon list HERE!

1. Experiences to Remember:

   - Concerts, Plays, and Sporting Events: Tickets to live performances or sports events can be exhilarating and create lasting memories.

   - Museum Memberships and Zoo Passes: Encouraging curiosity and learning through exploration.

   - Adventure Challenges and Escape Room: Engaging activities that foster problem-solving skills and teamwork.

 Check out the Get Out Pass in your area! The Get Out Pass includes hundreds of free admissions to activities enter in code ABI at checkout for a discount! 


2. Unleashing Creativity:

   - Art Kits, Polymer Clay, and Sewing Kits: Encouraging artistic expression and craftsmanship.

   - Musical Instruments like Ukuleles or Recorders: Cultivating a passion for music and creativity.

   - Wood Burning Tools and Knitting/Crocheting Looms: Exploring different crafts and skills.

3. Educational and Skill-Building Gifts:


   - My Mini Appliances for Cooking: Instilling a love for culinary skills and independence in the kitchen.

   - Chess/Checkers Sets and Dance/Lesson Classes: Fostering critical thinking or exploring new hobbies and talents.

  - Books, Kiwi Crates, and Kids' Kindles: Encouraging reading and discovery.

   - Telescope, Ant Farm, and Owl Pellets: Cultivating an interest in science and exploration.


4. Personal Development and Self-Care:

   - Journals and Journaling Sets: Encouraging self-reflection and creativity.

   - Photo Books and Scrapbooking Supplies: Capturing memories and cherishing moments.

   - Hiking Gear and Telescope: Promoting an interest in nature and exploration.


5. Collectibles and Long-Term Keepsakes:

   - Charm Bracelet/Toolbox: Starting a collection to add sentimental value each year.

   - Hope Chest or Luggage: Encouraging planning for the future and storing cherished items.




6. Outdoor Activities:

   - Swing Sets, Sandboxes, and Trampolines: Promoting active play and outdoor fun.

   - Ice Skates, Roller Blades, Bikes, and Scooters: Encouraging physical activity and adventure.



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